
Symmetry.plot(orientation: Orientation | None = None, reproject_scatter_kwargs: dict | None = None, **kwargs) mfigure.Figure | None[source]#

Stereographic projection of symmetry operations.

The upper hemisphere of the stereographic projection is shown. Vectors on the lower hemisphere are shown after reprojection onto the upper hemisphere.


The symmetry operations are applied to this orientation before plotting. The default value uses an orientation optimized to show symmetry elements.


Dictionary of keyword arguments for the reprojected scatter points which is passed to scatter(), which passes these on to matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter(). The default marker style for reprojected vectors is “+”. Values used for vector(s) on the visible hemisphere are used unless another value is passed here.


Keyword arguments passed to scatter(), which passes these on to matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter().


The created figure, returned if return_figure=True is passed as a keyword argument.