
property CrystalMap.orientations: Orientation#

Return orientations (rotations respecting symmetry), in data.


When the (potentially sliced map) has more than one phase in the data.


>>> from orix import data
>>> xmap = data.sdss_ferrite_austenite(allow_download=True)
>>> xmap
Phase   Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    1   5657 (48.4%)  austenite         None          432                 432    tab:blue
    2   6043 (51.6%)    ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap["austenite"].orientations
Orientation (5657,) 432
[[ 0.8686  0.3569 -0.2749 -0.2064]
 [ 0.8681  0.3581 -0.2744 -0.2068]
 [ 0.8684  0.3578 -0.2751 -0.2052]
 [ 0.9639  0.022   0.0754 -0.2545]
 [ 0.8854  0.3337 -0.2385  0.2187]
 [ 0.885   0.3341 -0.2391  0.2193]]