
Extensions of Matplotlib’s projections framework for plotting Vector3d, Rotation, Orientation, Misorientation, and CrystalMap.


format_labels(v[, brackets, use_latex])

Return formatted vector integer labels.


AxAnglePlot(fig[, rect, elev, azim, roll, ...])

Plot rotations in a axis-angle space.

CrystalMapPlot(fig, *args[, facecolor, ...])

Plotting of a CrystalMap.


Assign colors to (crystal) directions rotated by crystal orientations and projected into an inverse pole figure, according to the Laue symmetry of the crystal.


Assign colors to crystal orientations from their Euler angle triplet \((\phi_1, \Phi, \phi_2)\) in the fundamental Euler region of the orientations' proper subgroup.

InversePoleFigurePlot(*args[, symmetry, ...])

Inverse pole figure plot of Vector3d, which is a stereographic plot for showing sample directions with respect to a crystal reference frame.

IPFColorKeyTSL(symmetry[, direction])

Assign colors to crystal directions rotated by crystal orientations and projected into an inverse pole figure, according to the Laue symmetry of the crystal.

RodriguesPlot(fig[, rect, elev, azim, roll, ...])

Plot rotations in Rodrigues-Frank space.

RotationPlot(fig[, rect, elev, azim, roll, ...])

Plot of a (mis)orientation region.

StereographicPlot(*args[, hemisphere, ...])

Stereographic plot for plotting Vector3d.