
Extensions of Matplotlib’s projections framework for plotting Vector3d, Rotation, Orientation, Misorientation, and CrystalMap.


format_labels(v[, brackets, use_latex])

Return formatted vector integer labels.


AxAnglePlot(fig[, rect, elev, azim, roll, ...])

Plot rotations in a axis-angle space.

CrystalMapPlot(fig, *args[, facecolor, ...])

Plotting of a CrystalMap.


Assign colors to crystal directions in a fundamental sector given by one of the eleven Laue symmetries.


Assign colors to crystal orientations from their Euler angle triplet \((\phi_1, \Phi, \phi_2)\) in the fundamental Euler region of the orientations' proper subgroup.

InversePoleFigurePlot(*args[, symmetry, ...])

Inverse pole figure plot of Vector3d, which is a stereographic plot for showing sample directions with respect to a crystal reference frame.

IPFColorKeyTSL(symmetry[, direction])

Assign colors to crystal directions rotated by crystal orientations and projected into an inverse pole figure, according to the Laue symmetry of the crystal.

RodriguesPlot(fig[, rect, elev, azim, roll, ...])

Plot rotations in Rodrigues-Frank space.

RotationPlot(fig[, rect, elev, azim, roll, ...])

Plot of a (mis)orientation region.

StereographicPlot(*args[, hemisphere, ...])

Stereographic plot for plotting Vector3d.