- class orix.projections.StereographicProjection(pole: int = -1)[source]#
Get stereographic coordinates (X, Y) from representations of vectors.
- Parameters:
- pole
-1 or 1, where -1 (1) means the projection point is the lower (upper) pole [00-1] ([001]), i.e. only vectors with z > 0 (z < 0) are returned.
Return the corresponding inverse projection,
, with the same projection pole.Methods
(...[, ...])Return stereographic coordinates (X, Y) from 3D unit vectors created from spherical coordinates, azimuth \(\phi\) and polar \(\theta\), defined as in the ISO 31-11 standard [Weisstein, 2005].
Return two sets of stereographic coordinates (X, Y) from 3D unit vectors created from spherical coordinates, azimuth \(\phi\) and polar \(\theta\), defined as in the ISO 31-11 standard [Weisstein, 2005]: one set for vectors in the upper hemisphere, and one for the lower.
Return stereographic coordinates (X, Y) of 3D unit vectors.
Return two sets of stereographic coordinates (X, Y) from 3D unit vectors: one set for vectors in the upper hemisphere, and one for the lower.