Visualizing point groups#
This tutorial shows point group symmetry operations \(s\) in the stereographic projection.
Vectors located on the upper (z >= 0
) hemisphere are displayed as points (o
), whereas vectors on the lower hemisphere are reprojected onto the upper hemisphere and shown as crosses (+
) by default. For more information about plot formatting and visualization, see Vector3d.scatter().
Further explanation of these figures is provided at
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from orix import plot
from orix.quaternion import Rotation, symmetry
from orix.vector import Vector3d
plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": 15})
For example, the \(S = O\) or \(432\) point group:
\((\mathbf{e_1}, \mathbf{e_2}, \mathbf{e_3})\) are the unit vectors of the standard Cartesian (orthonormal) reference frame (see the crystal reference frame tutorial for more details).
The stereographic projection of all point groups is shown below:
# fmt: off
schoenflies = [
"C1", "Ci", # triclinic
"C2x", "C2y", "C2z", "Csx", "Csy", "Csz", "C2h", # monoclinic
"D2", "C2v", "D2h", # orthorhombic
"C4", "S4", "C4h", "D4", "C4v", "D2d", "D4h", # tetragonal
"C3", "S6", "D3x", "D3y", "D3", "C3v", "D3d", "C6", # trigonal
"C3h", "C6h", "D6", "C6v", "D3h", "D6h", # hexagonal
"T", "Th", "O", "Td", "Oh", # cubic
# fmt: on
assert len(symmetry._groups) == len(schoenflies)
schoenflies = [
S for S in schoenflies if not (S.endswith("x") or S.endswith("y"))
assert len(schoenflies) == 32
R = Rotation.from_axes_angles((-1, 8, 1), 65, degrees=True)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
figsize=(10, 20),
subplot_kw={"projection": "stereographic"},
ax = ax.ravel()
for i, S in enumerate(schoenflies):
Si = getattr(symmetry, S)
R_Si = Si.outer(R)
v = R_Si * Vector3d.zvector()
# reflection in the projection plane (x-y) is performed internally in
# Symmetry.plot() or when using the `reproject=True` argument for
# Vector3d.scatter()
v_reproject = Vector3d(
v_reproject.z *= -1
# the Symmetry marker formatting for vectors on the upper and lower
# hemisphere can be set using `kwargs` and `reproject_scatter_kwargs`,
# respectively, for Symmetry.plot()
# vectors on the upper hemisphere are shown as open circles
ax[i].scatter(v, marker="o", c="None", ec="C0", s=150)
# vectors on the lower hemisphere are reprojected onto the upper
# hemisphere and shown as crosses
ax[i].scatter(v_reproject, marker="+", c="C0", s=150)
ax[i].set_title(f"${S}$ $({})$")
ax[i].set_labels("$e_1$", "$e_2$", None)