Using Git#

Making changes#

If you want to add a new feature, branch off of the develop branch, and when you want to fix a bug, branch off of main instead.

To create a new feature branch that tracks the upstream development branch:

git checkout develop -b your-awesome-feature-name upstream/develop

When you’ve made some changes you can view them with:

git status

Add and commit your created, modified or deleted files:

git add my-file-or-directory
git commit -s -m "An explanatory commit message"

The -s makes sure that you sign your commit with your GitHub-registered email as the author. You can set this up following this GitHub guide.

Keeping your branch up-to-date#

If you are adding a new feature, make sure to merge develop into your feature branch. If you are fixing a bug, merge main into your bug fix branch instead.

To update a feature branch, switch to the develop branch:

git checkout develop

Fetch changes from the upstream branch and update develop:

git pull upstream develop --tags

Update your feature branch:

git checkout your-awesome-feature-name
git merge develop

Sharing your changes#

Update your remote branch:

git push -u origin your-awesome-feature-name

You can then make a pull request to orix’s develop branch for new features and main branch for bug fixes. Good job!