
class orix.crystal_map.CrystalMap(rotations: Rotation, phase_id: ndarray | None = None, x: ndarray | None = None, y: ndarray | None = None, phase_list: PhaseList | None = None, prop: dict | None = None, scan_unit: str | None = 'px', is_in_data: ndarray | None = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Crystallographic map of orientations, crystal phases and key properties associated with every spatial coordinate in a 1D or 2D.


Rotation in each point. Must be passed with all spatial dimensions in the first array axis (flattened). May contain multiple rotations per point, included in the second array axes. Crystal map data size is set equal to the first array axis’ size.


Phase ID of each pixel. IDs equal to -1 are considered not indexed. If not given, all points are considered to belong to one phase with ID 0.


Map x coordinate of each data point. If not given, the map is assumed to be 1D, and it is set to an array of increasing integers from 0 to the length of the phase_id array.


Map y coordinate of each data point. If not given, the map is assumed to be 1D, and it is set to None.


A list of phases in the data with their with names, space groups, point groups, and structures. The order in which the phases appear in the list is important, as it is this, and not the phases’ IDs, that is used to link the phases to the input phase_id if the IDs aren’t exactly the same as in phase_id. If not given, a phase list with as many phases as there are unique phase IDs in phase_id is created.


Dictionary of properties of each data point.


Length unit of the data. Default is "px".


Array of booleans signifying whether a point is in the data.


Data is stored as 1D arrays and reshaped when necessary.


Constructing a crystal map from scratch, with two rows and three columns and containing Austenite and Ferrite orientations

>>> from diffpy.structure import Atom, Lattice, Structure
>>> from orix.crystal_map import create_coordinate_arrays, CrystalMap, PhaseList
>>> from orix.quaternion import Rotation
>>> coords, n = create_coordinate_arrays(shape=(2, 3))
>>> structures = [
...     Structure(
...         title="austenite",
...         atoms=[Atom("fe", [0] * 3)],
...         lattice=Lattice(0.360, 0.360, 0.360, 90, 90, 90)
...     ),
...     Structure(
...         title="ferrite",
...         atoms=[Atom("fe", [0] * 3)],
...         lattice=Lattice(0.287, 0.287, 0.287, 90, 90, 90)
...     )
... ]
>>> xmap = CrystalMap(
...     rotations=Rotation.from_axes_angles([0, 0, 1], np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)),
...     phase_id=np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]),
...     x=coords["x"],
...     y=coords["y"],
...     phase_list=PhaseList(space_groups=[225, 229], structures=structures),
...     prop={"score": np.random.random(n)},
...     scan_unit="nm",
... )
>>> xmap
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    0     3 (50.0%)  austenite        Fm-3m         m-3m                 432    tab:blue
    1     3 (50.0%)    ferrite        Im-3m         m-3m                 432  tab:orange
Properties: score
Scan unit: nm

Data in a crystal map can be selected in multiple ways. Let’s demonstrate this on a dual phase dataset available in the data module

>>> from orix import data
>>> xmap = data.sdss_ferrite_austenite(allow_download=True)
>>> xmap
Phase   Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    1   5657 (48.4%)  austenite         None          432                 432    tab:blue
    2   6043 (51.6%)    ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap.shape
(100, 117)

Selecting based on coordinates, passing ranges (slices), integers or both

>>> xmap2 = xmap[20:40, 50:60]
>>> xmap2
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    1   148 (74.0%)  austenite         None          432                 432    tab:blue
    2    52 (26.0%)    ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap2.shape
(20, 10)
>>> xmap2 = xmap[20:40, 3]
>>> xmap2
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    1    16 (80.0%)  austenite         None          432                 432    tab:blue
    2     4 (20.0%)    ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap2.shape
(20, 1)

Note that 1-dimensions are NOT removed

>>> xmap2 = xmap[10, 10]
>>> xmap2
Phase  Orientations     Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    2    1 (100.0%)  ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap2.shape
(1, 1)

Select by phase name(s)

>>> xmap2 = xmap["austenite"]
>>> xmap2
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group     Color
    1  5657 (100.0%)  austenite         None          432                 432  tab:blue
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap2.shape
(100, 117)
>>> xmap["austenite", "ferrite"]
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    1  5657 (48.4%)  austenite         None          432                 432    tab:blue
    2  6043 (51.6%)    ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um

Select by indexed and not indexed data

>>> xmap["indexed"]
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    1  5657 (48.4%)  austenite         None          432                 432    tab:blue
    2  6043 (51.6%)    ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap["not_indexed"]
No data.

Select with a boolean array (possibly chained)

>>> xmap[xmap.dp > 0.81]
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group       Color
    1  4092 (44.8%)  austenite         None          432                 432    tab:blue
    2  5035 (55.2%)    ferrite         None          432                 432  tab:orange
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um
>>> xmap[( > np.mean( & (xmap.phase_id == 1)]
Phase  Orientations       Name  Space group  Point group  Proper point group     Color
    1  1890 (100.0%)  austenite         None          432                 432  tab:blue
Properties: iq, dp
Scan unit: um



Return whether all points in data are indexed.


Return the column coordinate of each point in the data.


Return the x coordinate step size.


Return the y coordinate step size.

Return the ID of points in data.


Return whether points in data are indexed.


Return the number of data dimensions of points in data.


Return orientations (rotations respecting symmetry), in data.


Return or set the phase IDs of points in data.


Return or set the list of phases.


Return the list of phases in data.


Return the data properties in each data point.


Return the rotations in the data.


Return the number of rotations per data point in data.


Return the shape of rotations.


Return the row coordinate of each point in the data.


Return the shape of points in data.


Return the total number of points in data.


Return the x coordinates of points in data.


Return the y coordinates of points in data.



Return a deep copy using copy.deepcopy() function.

CrystalMap.empty([shape, step_sizes])

Return a crystal map of a given 2D shape and step sizes with identity rotations.

CrystalMap.get_map_data(item[, decimals, ...])

Return an array of a class instance attribute, with values equal to False in self.is_in_data set to fill_value, of map data shape.

CrystalMap.plot([value, overlay, scalebar, ...])

Plot a 2D map with any crystallographic map property as map values.

Examples using CrystalMap#

Create empty crystal map

Create empty crystal map

Select and modify data

Select and modify data

Inverse pole density function

Inverse pole density function

