
This page contains short examples demonstrating common tasks using orix. It is broken up into sections covering specific topics.

For longer in-depth guides, see our Tutorials. For descriptions of the functions, modules, and objects in orix, see the API reference.


Making examples is a work in progress. The Tutorials represent a complete showcase of the existing functionality in orix.

Crystal maps#

Create empty crystal map

Create empty crystal map

Select and modify data

Select and modify data

Inverse pole figures#

Inverse pole density function

Inverse pole density function


Misorientation from aligning directions

Misorientation from aligning directions


Orientation from aligning directions

Orientation from aligning directions





Rotating z-vector to high-symmetry crystal directions

Rotating z-vector to high-symmetry crystal directions

Rotations mapping the fundamental sector on S2

Rotations mapping the fundamental sector on S2

Combining rotations

Combining rotations

Stereographic projection#

Wulff net

Wulff net

Plot symmetry operations

Plot symmetry operations

Restrict to fundamental sector

Restrict to fundamental sector

Zoom region inset

Zoom region inset

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